A hepatitis B story – video

ICE-HBV is celebrating World Hepatitis Day 2020 with this video on hepatitis B, please share to your networks.

ICE-HBV and Brown Dog Productions created this video in collaboration with the Doherty Institute, the Hepatitis B Foundation and the World Hepatitis Alliance, with support from its sponsors.


Despite the existence of an excellent preventative vaccine and antiviral therapies which effectively control the virus, chronic hepatitis B affects 257 million people and is one of the leading causes of death worldwide.  The global hepatitis B research community is working together with people living with hepatitis B to develop cures and many approaches are currently in early stage clinical trials.  Until these cures are available, it is imperative that people are tested and receive the life-saving antiviral treatment to control their HBV infection and prevent liver disease.

ICE-HBV encourages more people to get tested and treated for chronic HBV, and to let people living with HBV know that the global HBV research community is in their corner and is striving for a cure, so we can live a #hepfreefuture

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