A fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) assay for detection of HBV DNA in cell culture models

POSTED ON: 19 Jun, 2020

Sample preparation

  1. Cell culture and HBV infection.

1.1 Tetracycline-inducible (tet-off) HepAD38 were seeded on collagen-coated four-well chamber slides and maintained in culture medium for 48 – 72 h.

1.2 HepG2-NTCP cells were cultured in collagen-coated four-well chamber slides, and at approximately 100% confluence, concentrated supernatants of HepAD38 cells were mixed with culture medium containing 4% PEG8000 and inoculated onto cells for 6 – 8 h. The cells were subsequently washed three times with PBS and maintained in replication medium for several days based on the aim of experiment.

  1. Fix the cells in 3.7% formaldehyde solution and dehydration.

2.1 In a fume hood, prepare 6 ml of fresh 3.7% formaldehyde solution by diluting 500 ul of a 37% stock formaldehyde with 5.5 ml of PBS and then mixing well.

Caution: Formaldehyde is a poison and irritant. Avoid contact with skin and mucous membranes.

2.2 Gently aspirate off culture medium and rinse cells three times, each time with 300 ul/well of PBS.

  • Critical: Before fixation, cell attachment may be weak. Aspiration and dispensing of contents from and into the chamber should be performed slowly and gently with a 1 mL pipette.

Aspirate from the corners and dispense against the chamber wall.

2.3 Aspirate off the final PBS wash and add 300 μL/well of freshly prepared 3.7% formaldehyde solution. Cover chamber slide with lid and incubate at RT for 10 minutes.

2.4 Aspirate off the formaldehyde solution and gently rinse the cells three times, each with 300 ul/well of PBS.

2.5 Aspirate off the PBS and replace it with 300 μL/well of 50% ethanol. Incubate for 5 minutes at RT.

2.6 Aspirate off the 50% ethanol and replace with 300 μL/well of 100% fresh ethanol. Seal the chamber slides with parafilm and store the dehydrated cells in 100% ethanol at –20 °C until useda.

If doing the experiment right away, aspirate off the 50% ethanol and replace with 300 μL/well of 70% ethanol at 4 °C for at least 1 hour and proceed on 3.1.B


  1. Dehydrated cells can be stored under these conditions for up to one month and must be rehydrated before being used in the in situ assay.

FISH assay procedure

  1. Cell rehydration.

3.1 A. Aspirate off the 100% ethanol (corresponding to 2.6 A) and replace with 300 μL/well of 70% ethanol. Incubate for 5 minutes at RT.

B.  Aspirate off the 70% ethanol (corresponding to 2.6 B) and replace with 300 μL/well of 50% ethanol. Incubate for 5 minutes at RT.

C. Aspirate off the 50% ethanol and replace with 300 μL/well of PBS. Incubate for 10 minutes at RT.

3.2 Aspirate off the PBS and add 300 μL/well of a 3.7% formaldehyde solution. Incubate for 10 minutes at RT.

3.3 Aspirate off the formaldehyde solution and gently rinse the cells three times, each with 300 μl/well of PBS for 5 minutes at RT.

  1. Protease digestiona.

4.1 Prepare 1.2 ml diluted working Protease Solution (1:3000) in PBS by adding 0.4 ul Protease QSb to 1199.6 μl PBS. Vortex briefly to mix.

4.2 Aspirate off the PBS and added 300 μL/well of working protease solution. Cover chamber slides with lid and incubate for 10 minutes at 37 °C in a water bath.

4.3 Aspirate off the working protease solution from the chamber and rinse the cells three times, each with 300 μl /well of PBS.

4.4 Aspirate off PBS and add 300 μL/well of a 3.7% formaldehyde solution. Incubate for 5 minutes at RT.

4.5 Aspirate off the formaldehyde solution and gently rinse the cells three times, each with 300 μL/well of PBS.


  1. The Protease digestion step partially degrades capsid and polymerase that wrap HBV DNA thus increasing target accessibility. However the exact concentration of protease should be empirically determined because excessive digestion can cause complete release of nucleic acids and even cell morphology damage and cell loss.
  2. Protease QS is provided in the kit. Thaw and place Protease QS on ice until use.


  1. Digest with RNase A/Ha.

5.1 Prepare 1.2 ml diluted working RNase A/H solution by adding 2.4 μl RNase A 1:500 and 2.4 μL RNase H 1:500 to 120  μL 10X RNaseH Reaction buffer and 1075.2 μl deionized water.

5.2 Aspirate off the PBS and added 300 μL/well of working RNase A/H solution. Incubate the slides in a cassette for 1 hour at 37 °C on the water bath.

5.3 Aspirate off the working RNase A/H solution and gently rinse the cells three times, each with 300 μL/well of PBS for 5 minutes at RT.

5.4 Aspirate off the PBS and added 300 μL/well of 3.7% formaldehyde solution. Incubate for 5 minutes at RT.

5.5 Aspirate off the formaldehyde solution and gently rinse the cells three times, each with 300 μL/well of PBS for 5 minutes at RT.


  1. a. RNase A is an endonuclease that specifically degrades single-stranded RNA.

RNase H is an endonuclease, it can decompose the RNA strand in the RNA/DNA hybrids.

Our previous results suggested that HBV RNA could exist in the form of RNA/DNA hybrid in core particles1,3.  The combined use of RNase A/H digestion can increase signal and improve assay specificity. First, probe set 3 targets the plus strand of HBV DNA but can also bind to HBV RNA. RNase digestion eliminate residual HBV RNA in the replication complex and capsid-free HBV mRNA. Second, RNaseH digestion eliminate the HBV RNA that binds to minus strand DNA hence increasing the hybridization efficiency of probe set 2.


   6. Hybridization with Probe.

6.1 Prepare 150 μl  working Probe Set Solution by diluting 1.5 μl of each Probe Set (1:100) in 148.5 μl  pre-warmed Probe Set Diluent QFa. Gently mix the solution and shortly centrifuge 10-20 seconds. 150 µl for every slide?

Caution: Probe Set Diluent QF contains formamide, a teratogen, irritant and possible carcinogen. Avoid contact with skin and mucous membranes.

6.2 Remove the slides from the chamber and gently decant the remaining PBS, then put the slide edge on a clean, dry paper towel for 1-2 seconds. Add 150 μl/slide of the working Probe Set Solution to the slide, subsequently cover with a 24×50 mm2 coverslip and seal edges with rubber cement.

  • Critical: The chamber on the slide may not be easily removed. Handle with care to avoid the slide broken.

6.3 Preheat the cassette at 75 °C in the dry incubator for 2 minutes.

6.4 Then incubate at 40 °C for 3 hours in the water bath or the Thermobrite hybridizer.


  1. Pre-warm Probe Set Diluent QF to 40 °C in a water bath for 10 minutes to dissolve possible precipitates.


7. Hybridize with Pre-Amplifier

7.1 Prepare 15 ml Wash Buffer by adding 45 μl Wash Comp1 and 75 μl Wash Comp2a to 14.88 ml deionized water and then mixing well.

7.2 Prepare 150 μl  working Pre-Amplifier Mix Solution by diluting 0.75 μl Pre-Amplifier Mix 1:200 in 149.25 μl pre-warmed Amplifier Diluent QF. Gently mix the solution and transient centrifuge for 10-20 seconds.

Caution: Amplifier Diluent QF contains formamide, a teratogen, irritant and possible carcinogen. Avoid contact with skin and mucous membranes.

7.3 Remove rubber cement and coverslips from the slide, then put the slide edge on a clean, dry paper towel for 1–2 seconds. Wash slides three times, each with 1 mL/slide of Wash Buffer. Soak sample for 5 minutes during each wash.

  • Critical: During all subsequent washing steps, the slides should be washed fully with wash buffer to eliminate non-specific binding, but do not soak samples in Wash Buffer longer than 30 minutes. Are all the washing steps at room temperature?

7.4 Gently remove the Wash Buffer, put the slide edge on a clean, dry paper towel for 1–2 seconds. Add 150 μl/slide of the working PreAmplifier Mix Solution to the slide, then cover with a 24×50 mm2 coverslip.

7.5 Incubate at 40 °C for 35 minutes in the water bath.


  1. Wash Comp 1 and Wash Comp 2 are provided in the kit, they should be free of precipitates before making a working wash buffer.


8. Hybridize with Amplifier

8.1 Prepare 150 μl  working Amplifier Mix Solution by diluting 6 μl Amplifier Mix 1:25 in 144 μl pre-warmed Amplifier Diluent QF. Gently mix the solution and transient centrifuge for 10-20 seconds.

Caution: Amplifier Diluent QF contains formamide, a teratogen, irritant and possible carcinogen. Avoid contact with skin and mucous membranes.

8.2 Remove coverslips from the slide, then put the slide edge on a clean, dry paper towel for 1–2 seconds. Wash slides three times, each with 1 mL/slide of Wash Buffer. Soak sample for 5 minutes during each wash.

8.3 Gently aspirate the Wash Buffer, put the slide edge on a clean, dry paper towel for 1–2 seconds. Add 150 μl /slide of the working Amplifier Mix Solution to the slide, then covered with a 24×50 mm2 Cover Slip.

8.4 Incubate at 40 °C for 35 minutes in the water bath.


9. Hybridize with Label Probe

  • Critical: Protect samples from light during all subsequent steps.

9.1 Prepare 150 μl  working Label Probe Mix Solution by diluting 6 μl  Label Probe Mix 1:25 in 144 μl  pre-warmed Label Probe Diluent QF. Gently mix the solution and shortly centrifuge for 10-20 seconds. Protect from direct light exposure.

9.2 Remove coverslips from the slide, then put the slide edge on a clean, dry paper towel for 1–2 seconds. Wash slides three times, each with 1 mL/slide of Wash Buffer. Soak sample for 5 minutes during each wash.

9.3 Gently aspirate the Wash Buffer, put the slide edge on a clean, dry paper towel for 1–2 seconds. Add 150 μl /slide of the working Label Probe Mix Solution to the slide, then cover with a 24×50 mm2 coverslip.

9.4 Incubate at 40 °C for 25 minutes in the water bath.


10. Nuclear counterstaining

10.1 Prepare 500 μl  working Hoechst Solution by diluting the 0.5 μl  Hoechst 1:100 in 999.5 μl  PBS. Gently mix the solution. Protect from light.

Note: Nuclear staining can also be done with DAPI. Dilute the 100 X DAPI (provided in the ViewRNA ISH cell assay kit) 1:100 in nuclease free water to obtain a working DAPI solution and perform as follows.

Caution: DAPI is a possible mutagen. Avoid contact with skin and mucous membranes.

10.2 Remove coverslips from the slide, then put the slide edge on a clean, dry paper towel for

1–2 seconds. Wash slides three times, each with 1 mL/slide of Wash Buffer. Soak sample for 5 minutes during each wash.

10.3 Gently aspirate the Wash Buffer, put the slide edge on a clean, dry paper towel for 1–2 seconds. Add 500 μl/slide of the working Hoechst Solution to the slide and incubate for 3 minutes at RT.

10.4 Decant working Hoechst Solution from the slide. Wash slides three times with 1 mL/slide of PBS. Soak sample for 5 minutes during each wash.

10.5 Aspirate PBS and add two drops of fluorescent mounting medium onto the slide, and finally cover with a coverslip to preserve a better fluorescent signal.

10.6 Use a clean paper towel to soak up the excess mounting medium on the sides of the slide when necessary, and seal the slide edges with nail polish.

10.7 Allow the nail polish to dry for at least 15 minutes.



11. Imaging

A. Samples may be viewed under a fluorescent microscope immediately.

        B. The slide should be stored at 2–8°C protected from light. Fluorescent signals will be stable for up to one week when stored properly.

        C. For viewing signals, use appropriate filter sets. Here we can use filter set Cy3 (550 nm) to detect Probe Set type 1a or use filter set Cy5 (650 nm) to detect Probe Set type 6b.


a. Signal of LP1-550 is visible to unaided eyes under epi-fluorescent microscope, and appear as red dots.

b. Signal of LP6-650 is invisible to unaided eyes under epi-fluorescent microscope and has to be captured by a digital camera.

c. Due to the relative weak signal of FISH, a digital camera with high quantum efficiency is desirable. In addition, high sensitivity mode (e.g. HyD mode in Leica SP8) must be used when using a confocal microscope. The signal is also more prone to be bleached due to the high energy of confocal laser beam. We have also imaged the FISH results using STORM (Type 6 probe only) and STED with some success. Generally, these methods generate higher resolution images but the procedure is much more complex.

d. If one wishes to see colocalization between nucleic acid and protein, a routine immunofluorescence protocol can be performed immediately after 10.2 with no need for fixation or permeabilization step.



  1. Typical results

Typical imaging results were shown below2. Signal generated by probe set 2 (green) indicates all viral DNA (including core particle DNA and deproteinated DNA), signal generated by probe set 3 (red) indicates deproteinated rcDNA and some core particle DNA in the cytoplasm. Our previous results showed that the rcDNA in HepAD38 has longer plus strand which resulted in a diminished selectivity of probe set 3 toward intranuclear rcDNA and cccDNA. The yellow arrow indicates intranuclear HBV DNA that is detected by both probes. Further differentiation between episomal DNA and integrated HBV DNA is beyond the capability of the assay.

More images are also available at http://www.hepb-atlas.com/home/projects/detail/12


HBV Ribonuclease H assay resolved by denaturing PAGE

POSTED ON: 06 Jun, 2019

RNaseH reactions:
Per reaction in an RNaseH free tube or well of a plate:

  • -Combine 3.5 uL nuclease free H2O, 2 uL 10x RNaseH Buffer, and 0.5 uL RNaseOUT
  • -Then add to each reaction (in the following order): 3 uL DNA oligo, 2 uL test compound (diluted to 10x desired concentration) or water if an inhibitor is not being tested, 6 uL HBV RNaseH (adjust concentration as needed to balance activity), and 1 uL substrate RNA.
  • – Incubate reactions for 90 minutes at 37oC
  • – Stop reactions by adding 80 uL sequencing loading buffer


  • – Pour a denaturing 9% Urea PAGE/TBE gel.
  • – Boil samples for 5 minutes.
  • -Load 50 uL sample per lane (remaining sample can be stored at -80C).
  • – Run the gel until the bromophenol blue dye front is near the bottom. Rinse gel in water to remove urea 2-3x for 15 minutes.
  • -Stain gel with SYBR gold: Rock gel at RT in 1:1000 dilution of SYBR Gold in 1x TBE for 20 minutes
  • – Image on a high-sensitivity imaging system such as a GE Typhoon or equivalent instrument.

RNaseH activity will be evident as cleavage of the RNA at the site where the DNA oligonucleotide bound. This results in 3 bands: uncleaved substrate, the larger product, and a smaller product


  • – Include a reaction lacking a DNA oligo and one containing the incorrect polarity DNA oligo as specificity controls. No RNA:DNA heteroduplex will form under those conditions, so any RNA degradation under those conditions will be background.
  • – Adjust the molar ratio of DNA to RNA as needed to get adequate cleavage. Most RNAs have substantial secondary structure, and a high ratio of DNA:RNA is needed for the DNA to bind to RNA sites in strong secondary structures.

A Southern Blot Assay for Detection of HBV cccDNA from Cell Cultures

POSTED ON: 03 Jun, 2019

Cell Cultures

  1. Seed HBV stable cell lines, such as HepG2.2.15 (5), or tetracycline-inducible (tet-off) HepAD38 (6), or tetracycline-inducible (tet-off) HepDE19/DES19 cells (7, 8), in collagen coated 6-well plates at approximately 100% confluence with appropriate culture medium.

Note: Collagen-coated plate is ideal for cells to form confluent monolayers, especially for HepG2-based cells.

Note: HepG2.2.15 cell line is cultured with DMEM/F12 medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum, 100 U/mL penicillin and 100 μg/mL streptomycin, plus 400 μg/mL G418. Tetracycline-inducible (tet-off) cell lines are maintained in the same way as the HepG2.2.15, but with the addition of 1 μg/mL tetracycline.

  1. When the cell monolayer reaches complete confluence (normally 24-48 hours post seeding), change the culture medium with fresh medium. For tetracycline-inducible cell lines, remove the tetracycline from culture medium to induce HBV replication.

Note: To obtain a high level of HBV replication in tetracycline-inducible cell lines, it is critical to withdraw the tetracycline when the cells reach confluence, as HBV replication will arrest cell growth.

Note: HBV infected cells can also be subjected to the following procedures.


cccDNA Extraction  from Cell Culture

  1. Lyse cells by adding 1.5 mL of TE buffer (10:10) and 0.1 mL of 10% SDS into each well of a 6-well cell culture plate. Gently mix and incubate the plate for 30 min at room temperature.
  2. Transfer the viscous cell lysate to a 15 mL centrifuge tube. Add 0.4 mL of 5 M NaCl and gently invert the tube 10 times. Let the tube sit at 4°C for at least 16 h to efficiently precipitate proteins and protein-associated DNAs.

Note: Use wide-mouth plastic transfer pipette to transfer the lysate into centrifuge tube.

  1. Centrifuge at 14,500 × g for 30 min at 4°C. Transfer the supernatant to a fresh 15 mL centrifuge tube. To remove the residual protein from the supernatant, add an equal volume of phenol (approx. 2 mL) to the supernatant and mix thoroughly by hand shaking for 10 sec. Centrifuge at 3,500 × g for 10 min at 4°C, and transfer the aqueous phase to a fresh 15 mL tube. Repeat phenol extraction step. Add equal volume of phenol/chloroform (approx. 2 mL) and mix thoroughly by hand shaking, centrifuge at 3,500 × g for 10 min at 4°C and transfer the aqueous phase to a fresh 15 mL tube.

Note: Use leak-proof tube with screw cap. Do not shake the tube too vigorously or too long, which it may physically nick the supercoiled cccDNA.

  1. Add two volumes of 100% ethanol (approx. 4 mL) and mix thoroughly by inverting the tube several times. Incubate at room temperature overnight to precipitate DNA.

Note: Do not incubate at low temperature. Because high concentration of salt is used in Hirt extraction, incubation of DNA solution at low temperature will precipitate high amount of salt.

  1. On the third day, centrifuge the tube at 3,500× g for 30 min at 4°C, and discard the supernatant. Add an equal volume of 75% ethanol (approx. 2 mL) and gently flick the tube to wash the DNA pellet. Centrifuge at 3,500× g for 15 min at 4°C.
  2. Discard the supernatant. Allow the pellet to air dry for about 10 min at room temperature. Dissolve the DNA pellet in 25 μL TE buffer (10:1).


Agarose Gel Electrophoresis

  1. Prepare 150 mL of 1.2% gel by mixing 1.8 g agarose, 5 mL of 30× TAE buffer, and 145 mL of distilled water in a microwavable flask. Microwave the flask until the agarose is thoroughly dissolved. Let it cool down to about 50°C at room temperature. Pour the liquid gel into the gel tray (12cm×10cm) with an appropriate comb inserted. Let the gel solidify at room temperature before removal of the comb.
  2. Prepare 600 mL of gel running buffer by diluting 20 mL of 30× TAE buffer with de-ionized water.
  3. Prepare samples by adding approximately 3 μL of 10× loading buffer to 25 μL of each sample. Pipette up and down to mix well.
  4. Assemble submarine gel running unit by correctly positioning the gel box, adding running buffer into the chamber, and loading 28 μL of each sample into a separate well. Connect the gel running unit to a power supply and run gel at 25 V for overnight.


Southern Blot

  1. Disconnect the gel running unit and take out the gel carefully.
  2. Submerge the gel in a tray containing freshly prepared 0.2 M HCl. Agitate gently for 10 min at room temperature to depurinate the DNA samples from the gel. The bromophenol blue dye in the gel should gradually turn grey during this process.
  3. Rinse the gel three times with distilled water.
  4. Submerge the gel in a tray of denaturing buffer, and agitate gently for 1 h at room temperature. The loading dye in the gel should turn back to blue during this process.
  5. Rinse the gel three times with distilled water.
  6. Submerge the gel in a tray of neutralization buffer, and agitate gently for at least 1 h at room temperature.
  7. Soak the Hybond-XL membrane (12×10cm) in a tray with de-ionized water for 5 min at room temperature. Replace the water with 20× SSC and continue to agitate for 15 min.
  8. To transfer DNA from the gel to the Hybond-XL membrane, assemble the transfer apparatus as following: layer two sheets of Whatman 3 MM filter paper in the gel transfer tray and pour 20× SSC transfer buffer on top to completely wet the Whatman papers. Smooth out the bubbles in between the Whatman papers and the tray gently by a plastic roller, and get rid of the excess amount of the transfer buffer. Place the gel on top of the Whatman papers with the side containing the loading wells facing down; make sure there is no air bubble between the Whatman papers and the gel. Place the presoaked Hybond-XL membrane on top of the gel and use a plastic roller to get rid of the air bubbles between the gel and the membrane. Layer two sheets of 20× SSC pre-wet Whatman papers (12×10cm) on top of the membrane, use plastic roller to remove air bubbles in between. Place a stack of dry paper towels (about 4 inches) pre-cut to the gel size on top of the Whatman papers. Seal the transfer tray with plastic wrap to prevent buffer evaporation during transfer. Put some weight (approx. 500g. such as metal plate, casserole dish etc.) on top of the transfer apparatus (Fig.1). Let the assembled transfer apparatus sit still on a flat surface and transfer for 24-48 h.

Note: When assemble the Southern blot transfer apparatus, avoid possible short-circuits of capillary liquid flow. The DNA will not be efficiently transferred if the blot short circuits. Use parafilm strips to seal the edges of the gel.

  1. After gel transfer, disassemble the blot apparatus and flip over the membrane with the gel still attached, and mark the position of each loading well on the membrane by a pencil. Wrap up the gel and paper towels by plastic wrap and discard.

Note: After transfer, the gel becomes thinner. Use the pencil tip to penetrate the loading wells and mark their positions on the membrane. This step is for labeling the DNA binding site of the membrane and tracking the running lanes with orientation.

  1. Crosslink the Hybond-XL membrane in a UV crosslinker chamber with UV energy dosage at 120 mJ/cm2. The membrane can be directly subject to hybridization, or sandwiched between two sheets of Whatman filters and stored at -20°C.


Probe Preparation for HBV DNA Detection

  1. Prepare rNTP (supplied with Riboprobe® system) solution by mixing 50 μL of each 10 mM rATP, 10 mM rGTP, 10 mM rCTP, and 0.2 mM UTP.
  2. Add 4 μL of 5 × reaction buffer, 4 μL of rNTP solution prepared from the previous step, 2 μL of 100 mM DTT, 0.25 μg of SalI-linearized pGEM-HBV DNA template, 1 μL of RNasin and 1 μL of SP6 polymerase into a nuclease free tube. Adjust the volume to 14 μL with nuclease-free water before adding 6 μL of [α-32P] UTP into the mixture. Incubate the reaction at 37ºC for 1 h.

Note: Linearization of the plasmid pGEM-HBV by SalI is an optimal step to produce “run-off” transcripts derived from the HBV sequence only. Other restriction enzyme, which singly cuts the vector sequences downstream of SP6-HBV transcription cassette but does not leave a 3’ overhang, can also be used.

Note: All radioactive materials and procedures should be handled strictly by following the institutional laboratory safety regulation rules.

  1. To remove the DNA template, add 1 μL of RNase-free RQ1 DNase to the reaction and incubate at 37°C for 15 min.
  2. Add 15 μL of 5M NH4OAc to stop the reaction. To precipitate the RNA probe, add 113 μL of nuclease-free water, 4 μL of yeast RNA, and 150 μL of isopropanol, gently mix and incubate at room temperature for 10 min.
  3. Centrifuge the mixture at 12,000× g for 30 min at 4°C, and discard the supernatant carefully without disturbing the pellet. Dissolve the probes in 400 μL of de-ionized formamide, followed by measurement of the counts per minute (CPM) of acid insoluble 32P with scintillation counter (PerkinElmer). Store the probes at -20°C.

Note: 32P-radiolabeled HBV DNA probes prepared by random priming or end labeling can also be used in the hybridization.



  1. Place the crosslinked membrane in a hybridization tube with the DNA-binding side facing the center of the tube. Add 5 mL of EKONO™ hybridization buffer, and pre-hybridize the membrane by rotating the hybridization tube at 65°C for 1 h in a hybridization oven.

Note: If using other commercial hybridization buffers, follow the pre-hybridization and hybridization conditions recommended by the manufacturers.

  1. Replace the pre-hybridization buffer with 5 mL of fresh EKONO™ hybridization buffer, and add HBV riboprobes with 1×107 Rotate the hybridization tube at 65°C overnight.
  2. Discard the hybridization solution on the following day, and wash the hybridization membrane with approximately half a tube of wash buffer. Rotate at 65°C for 30 min.
  3. Discard the wash buffer, and replace with half a tube of fresh wash buffer. Continue to wash at 65°C for 1 h.
  4. After the second wash, take out the membrane and dry it with paper towels, making sure the membrane is not cracked or wrinkled during this process. Seal the membrane with plastic wrap. Place the membrane in a phosphorimager cassette with the DNA-binding side facing up. Layer the phosphor imaging screen on top facing the DNA-binding side of the membrane. Close the cassette tightly and expose overnight in the dark.
  5. Scan the phosphor imaging screen with phosphorimager system. Store the membrane properly and erase the signal in the phosphor imaging screen with intense light for re-use.
  6. A typical phosphor image of HBV DNA Southern blot is shown in Fig. 2 (also see in references (7, 9)). Quantify the signal intensity of the cccDNA bands with software provided by the phosphorimager system.


Figure 1:  Assembly of HBV DNA Southern blot transfer apparatus. See text for details.

Figure 2:  Detection of HBV DNA by a Southern blot assay. A typical pattern of HBV cytoplasmic core DNA (lane 2) and Hirt DNA (lane 3) upon Southern blot hybridization is shown. RC: relaxed circular DNA; DP-RC: deproteinized RC DNA; CCC: covalently closed circular DNA; SS: single-stranded (-) DNA. M: HBV genomic-length DNA marker. The approximate size of each HBV DNA species is labeled on the left. To further validate the authenticity of HBV cccDNA, the Hirt DNA sample in lane 3 has been heated to 85°C for 5 min before gel loading, a condition that denatures DP-rcDNA into SS DNA, while the cccDNA stays undenatured and its electrophoretic mobility remains unchanged (lane 4). The DNA sample from lane 4 is further digested with EcoRI, in which condition the cccDNA is linearized to a genome-length double-stranded DNA (lane 5). Reproduced from (9) with permission from Elsevier.

HBV and HDV infection in uPA/SCID mice with humanized livers

POSTED ON: 21 May, 2019

Generation of human liver repopulated mice

  • To generate stable infected mice with hepatotropic viruses (HBV: Hepatitis B Virus; HDV: Hepatitis Delta Virus) human liver repopulated mice are needed [1].
  • Immune compromised mice (i.e. SCID: severe combined immune deficiency; ILγ: interleukin gamma knock out or RAG2: recombination activating gene 2), with liver damage (uPA: urokinase plasminogen activator or FAH: fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase), have to be transplanted intrasplenically (i.s.) with 1Mio fresh or frozen human hepatocytes [2]. These may be isolated from surgically removed organs, from a human repopulated mouse or may be commercially acquired).
  • 8 weeks after transplantation the repopulation phase is typically completed and the amount of human cells in the mouse liver is stable. To confirm the successful engraftment, blood from the mouse is checked for albumin levels by a human specific ELISA test. The amount of albumin in the sera is directly correlated to the total amount of human cells inside the mouse liver.

Note: Different batches of human donor hepatocytes may produce different amounts of albumin. For the human albumin Elisa the typical dilution of mouse sera is 1:40,000 although this may need to be adapted to be in the linear range of the test.

Source of viral inoculum

  • fresh or frozen viral preparations can be used as HBV-or HDV-inoculum
  • Cell culture derived (ccd) inoculum (virions can be prepared from supernatant via UC centrifugation or heparin based columns)
  • patient derived sera infected with either HBV alone or coinfected with HDV
  • Mixtures of patient sera with ccd virions or ccd HBV with ccd HDV
  • infectious mouse sera obtained by collecting blood from a previously infected humanized mouse (sera from capillaries used for i.o. blood draw or from a sacrificed mouse)
  • The MOI depends on the amount of inoculum and repopulation level in each mouse (e.g. when using 10 Mio viral copies in 100µl inoculum and the mouse harbours 10 Mio human hepatocytes that would result in a MOI=1)
  • Lower amount of virus genome equivalents can be used [3], in which case longer time may be needed to achieve stable infection. [4]

Note: It is recommended to aliquot the inoculum to avoid freeze thaw cycles resulting in loss of intact viruses. Human sera can be used undiluted but should be tested for the presence of possible co-infections. For dilution of the inoculum, sterile PBS or 0.9% NaCl can be used. To maximize viral input when the source has a very low viral concentration, repeated infections on consecutive days can be considered.

Route of infection

  • As routes for infection the following possibilities are applicable: i.p. max. volume 150-200µl, intra venous (i.v.) or i.o. in a max. volume of 50-100µl

Blood clean up and titer measurement

  • After clogging for 30min at room temperature (RT) the blood is centrifuged at 10000rpm for 10min in a table-top centrifuge. The clear upper part (sera) contains the intact viruses containing the viral DNA/RNA from the mouse (5-20µl of sera taken from capillary blood take or up to 500µl of sera from a sacrificed mouse).
  • 5µl is afterwards cleaned up by a column based kit (Qiamp Minelute). To keep the detection limit as low as possible viral nucleic acids should be eluted in a minimal amount of H20 (25µl) and the maximal available volume of sera can be used if needed as input for clean-up. Ideally sera from a non-infected mouse is used as negative control in parallel.
  • Real-time PCR is carried out with running a plasmid standard of known viral copies as a reference. Dilutions should be done with a dilution buffer containing a carrier RNA instead of pure H20 and should always be diluted fresh from an aliquoted plasmid stock. It is recommended to prepare a standard curve once and then use it as an external standard for consecutive experiments to minimize variations which might arise from slightly different standard curves.
  • For the quantification of total HBV DNA or HDV RNA we use primers and probes available from the TaqMan® Gene Expression Assay System (Life Technologies) with the assay ID Pa03453406_s1 and the standard Taqman PCR program from the Viaa7 or HDV-specific primer and probe (s. methods) and the standard one step protocol, which includes an initial reverse transcription step. The HDV template is denaturized for 10min at 95C° to destroy RNA self-complementary secondary structures and is kept immediately on ice to avoid renaturation of the RNA prior pcr setup.
  • PCR setup HBV:
ABI Fast advance Master 5 µl
Primer and probe mix (final concentration 0.25 µM) 0.5 µl
Sample DNA 4.5 µl
add H2O to a final volume of 10µl 0 µl
  • PCR setup HDV:
ABI fast virus 1-step Master 2,5 µl
Primer mix for+rev (final concentration 0.5 µM) 1 µl
probe (final concentration 0.4 µM) 0.5  µl
Sample RNA 5 µl
add H2O to a final volume of 10µl 1 µl


  • For calculation of the titer (copies/ml) the copy number result from PCR must be multiplied: Here, 5µl sera were cleaned up, eluted in 25µl H2O and from this 4.5µl (for HBV) or 5µl (for HDV) were used as PCR template, therefore copy number should be multiplied by 1111 for HBV and 1000 for HDV.

Note: If the exact viral nucleotide sequence of the viral inoculum is not known (i.e. unknown patient derived sera) or the development of viral mutations is expected it will be necessary to ensure the efficient primer binding by sequencing of the input virus since even single mismatches can result in false negative or lower RT-PCR quantifications. To minimize variations of the viral copy numbers derived by different clean-ups (i.e. room temperature fluctuations in the lab) and measurements, all samples from an experiment should be processed in parallel whenever it is possible.

Kinetics of HBV and HBV/HDV during the spreading phase in humanized mice

  • The spreading of the virus can be monitored by weekly blood withdrawal and the volume of blood should be kept small (≤50µl). The full blood can be taken by a capillary from the mouse eye or from the tail vein.
  • Depicted below is an example of titer kinetics with humanized mice (30%-50% of total hepatocytes are human in the mouse liver) either i.p. mono-infected with 1E7 copies HBV GT D, coinfected with 1E7 copies of both HBV and HDV (GT1) or stable HBV infected mice were superinfected with HDV (Gt1) (Figure).
  • Viremia rises in the following weeks and 3 weeks after infection it ranges, in general, from 1E5 to 5E6 Mio HBV genome equivalents /ml. At 8 weeks, viremia ranges between 1E7 to 1E9 HBV copies/ml and in most cases it becomes stable in HBV mono infection after 12 weeks.
  • In mice simultaneously inoculated with HBV and HDV both viruses can be detected in mouse serum samples after 3 weeks of infection, although the development of HBV viremia is frequently slightly slower and/or remains lower as in HBV mono-infection.
  • In HDV superinfected mice which have already a stable HBV infection, the HBV titer is slightly reduced while HDV viremia is rising.

Factors possibly affecting the viral kinetics

  • the human repopulation level of the mice
  • amount of viral inoculum
  • viral genotype and mutation pattern
  • To some extent also the route of infection (i.v. or i.o. injection gives faster viral spreading compared to i.p. injection, likely due to a higher number of virions reaching the liver with the blood stream and hence cells that are initially infected directly after inoculation

Note: In general, the higher the repopulation level of the mouse, the faster a stable titer is achieved. In lower repopulated mice, the viral spread takes much longer until a stable titer is developed.

HBV RNA detection in liver tissues by in situ hybridization

POSTED ON: 21 May, 2019

The following protocol outlines the protocol for duplex in situ hybridization (ISH) for localization of hepatitis B virus RNA and any other (eg. human albumin) mRNA in liver tissue sections. This protocol has been tested and verified for human and mouse specimens.

The method is adapted from the ViewRNA ISH Tissue Assay system (Invitrogen, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA USA). Modifications were introduced to the manufacturer’s instructions to achieve optimal viral RNA visualization while maintaining sensitivity and specificity of host mRNA detection.

The ISH method is suitable for both formalin fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE) and frozen tissue (OCT embedded). However, as we have previously described [1-3], frozen tissue is superior for quantitative detection of RNA. Thus, the protocol below also includes a detailed description of collection, embedding, freezing and cryosectioning of frozen liver tissue samples.

FFPE tissue is typically processed in ny standard procedures in pathology departments and other labs. We therefore omit description of tissue harvesting and processing, and focus on describing optimal sectioning and ISH procedures using FFPE specimens.

Probe Set Design:The extremely high signal to noise ratio that is a prerequisite for detection of low level viral and/or cellular RNAs is achieved by simultaneous binding of multiple (≥ 20) adjacent probe set pairs to the target RNA. The target recognition size of each probe is around 20 nucleotides in length. Thus, optimal target recognition requires a perfect match of each probe set to the target. Unfortunately, neither the HCV nor HBV genome contains long enough regions that are sufficiently conserved between or within viral genotypes suitable for probe set design. Therefore, as we have shown previously [1-3], it is well advised to design isolate (i.e. patient)-specific probe sets and use frozen tissue specimens whenever possible to achieve optimal assay performance.

D.  Tissue collection and ISH procedure for frozen tissue specimens

  1. Prepare a benchtop liquid nitrogen container half-way filled with liquid nitrogen.
  2. Pour 250 ml of methylbutane in a plastic beaker that closely fits into the liquid nitrogen tank.
  3. Chill the methylbutane by floating the beaker on the liquid nitrogen.
  4. Wash freshly harvested tissue twice in sterile saline or 1 x PBS to remove excess blood.
    Note: Minimize the time from tissue harvest to freezing (steps D.4-6) to prevent RNA degradation.         
  5. Cut 1 cm long sections from a needle liver biopsy cylinder or blocks of 0.5 cm diameter from resection tissue, place them on the bottom of disposable plastic molds, immediately cover the tissue and completely fill the mold with OCT avoiding any bubble formation.
  6. Dip the filled mold into the chilled methylbutane (use long forceps) and wait until the OCT turns completely white. Transport the molds containing the frozen OCT blocks on dry ice and store samples at -80°C.
  7. Set the cryostat chamber to -17°C, the sample holder to -15°C and let the temperature equilibrate for 30 minutes before sectioning. If dual temperature control is not available, set the cryostat chamber to -15° C ± 2°C.
  8. Set the blade holder inclination in the range of 2° to 10°.
  9. Use C35 disposable blades for cryosectioning.
  10. Set up the cryostat for 10µm sections.
  11. Carefully clean the blade holder and cryostat chamber with 80% ethanol and let them air-dry.
  12. Remove the OCT block from the disposable plastic mold inside the cryostat chamber and keep the mold for re-embedding in step D.18.
    Note: Perform steps D.12 through D.17 inside the cryostat chamber to avoid any exposure of the OCT block to room temperature.
  13. Add a small amount of fresh OCT on the cryostat’s removable specimen holder and put the frozen OCT block on it with the tissue facing up. Distribute the fresh OCT between frozen OCT block and specimen holder by carefully pressing on the frozen OCT block. Transfer the holder and the block to the cryostat’s freezing station and wait until the fresh OCT turns completely white.
  14. Lock the specimen holder, fitted with the tissue containing OCT block, into the cryostat specimen head and wait 10 minutes to allow the sample to reach the correct cutting temperature.
  15. Start sectioning.
  16. Mount the sections onto Superfrost Plus Gold glass slides.
  17. Immediately transfer slides into a pre-chilled slide storage box. Keep the box in the cryostat chamber during sectioning. When finished, transfer the slide boxes on dry ice and store them at -80°C until use.
    Note: Use slides within two weeks. For longer-term storage, add some dried silica gel crystals into the slide storage boxes as desiccant.
  18. After sectioning, add a few drops of fresh OCT into the corresponding mold, re-embed the sectioned OCT block in the mold and place it on the cryostat freezing station. After a few minutes, remove the OCT block from the metal specimen holder. Store re-embedded OCT blocks at -80°C.
    Note: Re-embedding improves the quality of tissue preservation.
  19. Clean the cryostat with 80% ethanol and run a long UV-light decontamination cycle if possible.
    Note: Discard used blades; do not reuse them to avoid sub-optimal blade performance and cross-contamination.


E.  Fixation, Pretreatment and Hybridization

  1. Cool down 80 ml of fixation buffer to 4°C in a Coplin Jar (≥ 1 hour).
  2. Directly submerge the frozen slides in the chilled fixation buffer and incubate over night at 4ºC (16-18 hours).
  3. Turn on the ThermoBrite and let equilibrate to 37°C.
  4. Insert two water soaked humidifier strips into the ThermoBrite lid.
  5. Heat 400 ml pre-treatment solution on a hot plate stirrer to between 85°C-95°C.
  6. Pre-warm the following reagents in a water bath set to 40°C:
  • 40 ml of 1 x PBS buffer
  • Probe Set Diluent QT
  • PreAmplifier Mix QT
  • Amplifier Mix QT
  • Label Probe Diluent QF
  1. Thaw probe sets on ice.
  2. Spin down Label Probe 6-AP and Label Probe 1-AP and keep on ice.
  3. Bring Naphthol Buffer, AP Enhancer solution and Blue Buffer to room temperature. Keep Fast Red Tablets and Fast Blue reagent on ice.
  4. Equilibrate fixation buffer containing slides to room temperature (10-15 minutes), decant fixation buffer and keep it for later.
  5. Wash the slides twice for 1-5 minutes in 1 x PBS (shake vigorously).
  6. Sequentially soak slides for 10 minutes in 50%, 75% and 100% ethanol.
  7. Bake the slides in the open ThermoBrite oven for 5 minutes at 37°C.
  8. Draw hydrophobic barrier around tissue section with the hydrophobic barrier pen.
  9. Bake slides for an additional 5 minutes at 37°C.
  10. Remove slides from the ThermoBrite oven and let them cool to room temperature.
  11. Start HYB program on ThermoBrite oven (i.e. constant 40°C) and close lid for good humidification.
  12. Place slides in a vertical metal rack and submerge them in the pre-heated (85°-95°C) pre-treatment solution for 1 minute.
  13. Transfer slides to a coplin jar and briefly wash twice in 1 x PBS.
  14. Prepare working protease solution by diluting Protease QF stock solution 1:100 in pre-warmed 1 x PBS.
  15. Remove the slides from PBS, tap them to remove the excess fluid, place them on the Thermobrite oven, add 400 µl working Protease solution and incubate for 10 minutes at 40°C.
    Note: Although the manufacturer’s instructions typically suggest to add 400 µl of solution (protease, hybridization reagents etc.) to each section on a slide, in our experience 200-300 µl are sufficient without affecting the assay performance.
  16. Decant protease solution and wash slides once with water, followed by two washes in 1 x PBS in a coplin jar.
  17. Transfer slides into fixation buffer and incubate for 3 minutes at room temperature.
    Note: Incubation in fixation buffer for more than 3 minutes (step E.23) may result in reduced hybridization efficiency.
  18. Wash slides twice with 1 x PBS.
  19. Prepare working hybridization mix by diluting probe sets 1:40 in pre-warmed (40°C) Probe Set Diluent QT per the manufacturer’s instructions.
    Note: Steps E.25 through E.27 and F.1 through F.19 are per the manufacturer’s      
  20. Hybridize sections with 400µl working hybridization mix for 2.5 hours (increase to 3 hours for very low abundance RNA detection) at 40°C in the ThermoBrite oven.
  21. Decant hybridization solution, transfer slides in a vertical rack in a coplin jar containing 1 x Wash Buffer, wash slides 3 times (2 minutes per wash) under vigorous agitation.


F.  Two-Plex target detection

  1. Incubate sections with 400µl of PreAmplifier Mix QT for 25 minutes (increase to 40 minutes for very low abundance RNA detection) at 40°C in the ThermoBrite oven.
  2. Decant PreAmplifier Mix QT solution, transfer slides in a vertical rack in a coplin jar and wash as described in E.27.
  3. Incubate sections with 400µl of Amplifier Mix QT for 15 minutes (increase to 40 minutes for very low abundance RNA detection) at 40°C in the ThermoBrite oven.
  4. Decant Amplifier Mix QT solution, transfer slides in a vertical rack in a coplin jar and wash as described in E.27.
  5. Prepare working label probe mix by diluting Label Probe 6-AP, 1:1,000 in pre-warmed (40°C) Label Probe Diluent QF per the manufacturer’s instructions.
    Note: For single target detection, incubate sections with only the Label Probe AP    specific for the probe set used and only perform the corresponding target        development (i.e. steps F.5 through F.10 for type 6 probe sets or steps F.13           through F.19 for type 1 probe sets).
  6. Incubate sections with 400µl of label probe mix for 15 minutes (increase to 40 minutes for very low abundance RNA detection) at 40°C in the ThermoBrite oven.
  7. Decant label probe mix, transfer slides in a vertical rack in a coplin jar and wash as described in E.27.
  8. Prepare Fast Blue Substrate by adding 105 µl Blue Reagent 1 to 5ml Blue Buffer and vortex. Then add 105µl Blue Reagent 2 and vortex. Finally, add 105 µl Blue Reagent 3 and vortex again.
    Note: TheFast Blue Substrate mix decays quickly. Prepare it not more than 5-10 minutes before usage for optimal results.
  9. Incubate sections with 400µl Fast Blue Substrate mix for 30 minutes at room temperature in a horizontal slide holder (e.g. StainTray slide staining system).
  10. Decant Fast Blue Substrate mix, transfer slides in a vertical rack in a coplin jar and wash as described in E.27.
  11. Incubate sections with 400µl of AP Stop Buffer for 30 minutes at room temperature in a horizontal slide holder.
    Note: Complete quenching of alkaline phosphatase at this point is crucial to avoid additional reaction of Label Probe 6-AP with the Fast Red Substrate in step F.18.
  12. Decant AP Stop Buffer, transfer slides in a vertical rack in a coplin jar and wash as described in E.27.
  13. Prepare type 1 working label probe mix by diluting Label Probe 1-AP 1:1000 in pre-warmed (40°C) Label Probe Diluent QF per the manufacturer’s instructions.
  14. Incubate sections with 400µl of label probe mix for 15 minutes (increase to 40 minutes for very low abundance RNA detection) at 40°C in the ThermoBrite oven.
  15. Decant label probe mix, transfer slides in a vertical rack in a coplin jar and wash as described in E.27.
  16. Incubate sections with 400µl of AP Enhancer Solution for 5 minutes at room temperature in a horizontal slide holder.
  17. Prepare Fast Red Substrate by dissolving one Fast Red tablet in 5 ml of Naphthol Buffer.
    Note: The Fast Red Substrate mix decays quickly. Prepare it not more than 5-10 minutes before usage for optimal results.
  18. Decant the AP Enhancer Solution and incubate sections with 400µl of Fast Red Substrate mix for 30 minutes at 40°C in the humidified ThermoBrite oven.
  19. Decant Fast Red Substrate mix, transfer slides in a vertical rack in a coplin jar containing 1 x PBS solution and wash slides 2 times for 1-2 minutes.


G.  Counterstaining and slide mounting

  1. Remove slides from PBS and incubate them in fixation buffer for 5 minutes at room temperature.
  2. Briefly wash slides two times in 1 x PBS.
  3. Add 500 μl Gill’s hematoxylin to each slide and incubate for 5 minutes at room temperature.
  4. Wash slides with water in a coplin jar.
  5. Incubate the slides with running tap water for 1 minute to reveal the hematoxylin.
  6. Wash slides twice with water.
  7. Mount slides with water based mounting media containing DAPI and cover with Nr. 1 glass coverslip.
  8. Drain excess mounting media and let the slide air-dry for 15 minutes.
  9. Seal the coverslip with transparent nail polish and store at 4ºC.
    Note: For best results, acquire images within a few days of performing the ISH assay.
  10. Acquire images using a brightfield and/or fluorescence microscope.
    Note: The View RNA ISH system makes use of alkaline phosphatase to transform fast red and fast blue substrates into red and blue chromogenic precipitates, respectively. Accordingly, visual observation of red and blue signals using bright field microscopy represents the primary readout of the View RNA ISH assay. However, both chromogenic precipitates can also be visualized by fluorescence, but acquiring fluorescence images should always be guided by bright field analysis (see ViewRNA Kit manual). However, the fluorescence excitation and emission spectra of the chromogenic precipitates differ significantly from those of standard fluorophores used for fluorescence microscopy. Thus, special attention has to be given to selection of the best combination of probe set type and target RNA as well as fluorescence signal acquisition as we have described in detail elsewhere[1].
  11. Image analysis with for example CellProfiler[4] is performed as described [1].


H.  Processing of formalin fixed, paraffin embedded liver tissue

This section describes the tissue processing and ISH steps specific for FFPE tissue specimens.

  1. Cool FFPE blocks to -20°C for at least 2 hours before sectioning. Alternatively cool down the blocks to -5°C on a cooling plate for at least 2 hours.
  2. Set the blade inclination in the range of 5° to 10° (e.g. on the HM340 microtome we use 6°).
  3. Use S35 disposable blades for sectioning (do not use C35 blades).
    Note: Discard used blades at the end of each cutting session; do not reuse them to avoid sub-optimal blade performance and cross-contamination.
  4. Set microtome for 5μm sections.
  5. Cut sections and transfer them to a water bath pre-warmed to 40°C.
    Note: To maintain optimal cutting performance, don’t cut more than 4 sections before re-cooling the block.
  6. Keep sections floating on water for a few minutes to allow for complete tissue/paraffin unfolding.
  7. Transfer sections onto Superfrost Plus Gold glass slides.
  8. Place slides vertically in a slide holder and let drain off excess water.
  9. Transfer the slide holder to a lab oven pre-warmed to 50°C.
  10. Incubate slides at 50°C for 2 hours.
  11. Transfer slides into a slide storage box and store at -20°C until use.
    Note: Do not store slides longer than two weeks.
  12. Pre-warm the ThermoBrite oven to 80°C without humidifier strips.
  13. Heat 400 ml pre-treatment solution on a hot plate stirrer to between 85°C-95°C.
  14. Pre-warm the following reagents in a water bath set to 40°C:
  • 40 ml 1 x PBS
  • Probe Set Diluent QT
  • PreAmplifier Mix QT
  • Amplifier Mix QT
  • Label Probe Diluent QF
  1. Thaw probe sets on ice.
  2. Spin down Label Probe 6-AP and Label Probe 1-AP and store on ice.
  3. Bring Naphthol Buffer, AP Enhancer solution and Blue Buffer to room temperature.
  4. Keep Fast Red and Fast Blue reagents on ice.


I.  Pretreatment and Hybridization

  1. Warm up slides to 80°C in the ThermoBrite oven for 15 minutes.
  2. Quickly transfer slides in a coplin jar containing xylene for paraffin removal. Incubate for 15 min at room temperature. Transfer slides into fresh xylene and incubate a second time for 30 min at room temperature.
  3. Set the ThermoBrite oven to 37°C during the time of xylene treatment.
  4. Wash slides twice for 2 minutes in 100% ethanol.
  5. Bake slides in the ThermoBrite oven for 5 minutes at 37°C.
  6. Draw hydrophobic barrier around tissue sections.
  7. Bake slides in the ThermoBrite oven for 5 minutes at 37°C.
  8. Transfer slides in a vertical metal rack and submerge slides in 85°-95°C Pre-Treatment solution and incubate for 10-20 minute.
    Note: Optimal time of pretreatment depends on the particular tissue fixation procedure used and has to be determined experimentally.
    During pre-treatment: insert two water soaked humidifier strips into the ThermoBrite lid and start the HYB program (i.e. constant 40°C).
  9. Quickly transfer slides into 1 x PBS in a coplin jar and briefly wash twice with 1 x PBS.
  10. Prepare working protease solution by diluting protease QF 1:100 in pre-warmed (40°C) 1 x PBS.
  11. Add 400 µl working Protease QF to tissue sections and incubate for 10-20 minutes at 40°C in the ThermoBrite oven. (see Note 21).
    Note: Optimal time for protease treatment depends on the particular tissue fixation procedure used and has to be determined experimentally.
  12. Wash slides once with water, then twice with 1 x PBS in a coplin jar.
  13. Transfer slides to a coplin jar containing fixation buffer and incubate for 3 minutes at room temperature.
  14. Wash slides twice with 1 x PBS in a coplin jar.
  15. Prepare working hybridization mix by diluting the probe sets 1:40 in pre-warmed (40°C) Probe Set Diluent QT.
  16. Add 400µl working hybridization mix to tissue sections and incubate for 2.5 hours (increase to 3 hours for very low abundance RNA detection) at 40°C in the humidified ThermoBrite oven.
  17. Decant hybridization solution, transfer slides in a coplin jar containing 1 x Wash Buffer solution and wash slides 3 times (2 minutes per wash) with vigorous agitation.


J.  Target detection, counterstaining and slide mounting

  1. For pre-amplification, amplification and target detection follow the steps outlined in F.3. For counterstaining and slide mounting follow steps outlined in G.4.

Detection and characterisation of integrated Hepatitis B virus DNA using inverse nested PCR

POSTED ON: 20 Apr, 2019

This method has previously been described in greater detail as a chapter in the book Methods in Molecular Biology: Hepatitis B Virus (7) and as an online open-access video in the Journal of Visualised Experiments (10). The procedure is summarized in Figure 1.

1A. Extraction of DNA (liver tissue from HBV-infected patients)

  • Within a biosafety cabinet, use a sterile plastic Petri dish and a sterile scalpel blade to excise a ~5 mg fragment from a snap-frozen sample of biopsy or autopsy liver tissue.
  • Place the tissue immediately in a 2 mL screw-cap Eppendorf tube with 400 μL of digestion solution (100 mM NaCl, 0.5% SDS, 50 mM Tris pH 7.5, 10 mM EDTA, 2 mg/mL proteinase K).
  • Incubate in a thermomixer rotating at 3,000 rpm at 55°C for >2 hr (extendable to overnight) until no obvious pieces of liver parenchyma are visible. Some pieces of fibrotic tissue or fat may still be obvious.
  • In a fume cupboard, add 400 μL of UltraPure Phenol and mix by inversion.
  • Centrifuge at 14,000 g for 10 min and transfer the top aqueous layer to a clean 2 mL screw-cap Eppendorf tube, taking care to avoid any milky or cloudy interface.
  • Repeat steps 4-5 twice with 400 μL of 25:24:1 UltraPure phenol:chloroform:isoamyl alcohol in the place of the phenol.
  • Add 35 μL of 3 M sodium acetate pH 4.6 to the extracted DNA, followed by of 800 μL of AR grade ethanol.
  • Incubate at -20°C overnight or at -80°C for 4 hr to precipitate the DNA.
  • Pellet the precipitated DNA by centrifugation at 14,000 g.
  • Wash the pellet with 1 mL of 70% ethanol.
  • Repeat Step 10.
  • Vacuum-dry for 20 min and redissolve in 50 μL of DNase-free water or 100 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5.
  • Estimate the final DNA concentration and purity using spectrophotometry.


1B. Extraction of DNA (after in vitro infection of cultured cells)

  • Maintain cultured Huh7-NTCP cells (11, 12) in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium (DMEM) supplemented with 10% v/v fetal bovine serum, 1 x Penicillin/Streptomycin, and 2 mM L-glutamine. This has previously been reported in detail (13).
  • Seed Huh7-NTCP cells into a 12-well plate with 1 mL of DMEM containing 2×105 cells/mL.
  • If testing cell treatments (e.g. HBV inhibitors), apply these to the culture supernatant 4 hours after seeding (1 day prior to HBV infection). For a negative control, use 200nM Myrcludex B (a potent HBV entry inhibitor (14)).
  • Use heparin-column purified (15) supernatant from HepAD38 (16) as an inoculum to infect cells at 1000 VGE/cell in 500 µL of culture media (DMEM supplemented with 10% v/v fetal bovine serum, 1 x Penicillin/Streptomycin, 2 mM L-glutamine, and 2.5% v/v DMSO), containing 4% w/v polyethylene glycol 8000 (dissolved in 1x phosphate-buffered saline; PBS).
  • Culture cells in a 37°C incubator (set at 5% CO2 and 90% humidity) overnight.
  • Wash twice with 1 mL sterile 1x PBS at 16-24 hours post-infection.
  • Replace culture media every two days following HBV infection until harvest.
  • At day 3 post-infection, treat cells with 5 µM Tenofovir disoproxil and 10 µM Lamivudine to limit production of HBV replicative intermediates that are amplifiable by invPCR.
  • At day 5 post-infection, trypsinise cells with 200 µL Trypsin-EDTA and resuspend them in 2 mL of DMEM (supplemented with 10% v/v fetal bovine serum, 1x Penicillin/Streptomycin, and 2mM L-glutamine), containing 5 µM Tenofovir disoproxil and 10 µM Lamivudine.
  • Transfer the cell suspensions to a 6-well plate to induce one round of mitosis, which has been reported to induce loss of HBV cccDNA (17) and other HBV DNA intermediates that are amplifiable by invPCR.
  • At day 7 post-infection, trypsinise the expanded cells in 400 µL Trypsin-EDTA and resuspend the mixture in 1 mL DMEM.
  • Place the suspension in a 1.5 mL Eppendorf tube, pellet cells by centrifugation at 500 x g for 5 minutes, and remove supernatant by aspiration.
  • (Optional) Store cell pellets at -20°C until ready for DNA extraction.
  • Extract DNA from the cell pellet as above, or by using a column-based DNA extraction kit as per the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Estimate the final DNA concentration and purity using spectrophotometry. The DNA yield in a 100 μL elution volume is generally ~250-400 ng/μL.


  1. Inversion of DNA
    • Aliquot ~1.5-2.5 μg of the total DNA extract into a 200 μL PCR tube.
    • Add the appropriate amount of restriction enzyme master-mix to result in a 40μL reaction volume, containing 1x CutSmart buffer and 10U NcoI-HF.
    • Mix reactions thoroughly and spin down in a small tube centrifuge.
    • Incubate the restriction enzyme reaction in a PCR machine at 37°C for 1 hour for optimal digestion efficiency.
    • Inactivate the restriction enzyme by incubating at 80°C for 20 minutes.
    • Transfer the entire restriction enzyme reaction into a 1.5 mL Eppendorf tube.
    • Add 400 μL of 1x T4 DNA ligase buffer and 500 U T4 DNA ligase and mix thoroughly. The large reaction volume encourages intra-molecular (as opposed to inter-molecular) ligation of the digested DNA fragments.
    • Incubate the ligation reaction at room temperature for 2 hours to ensure complete ligation.
    • Inactivate the T4 DNA ligase at 70°C for 20 minutes.
    • Add 10 μL of 10% w/v sodium dodecyl sulphate to ensure complete inactivation of the T4 ligase.
    • Mix the tubes by pulse vortexing and briefly spin down the reaction mix.
    • Add NaCl to a final concentration of 100 mM and dextran (35 -45 kDa) to a final concentration of 90 µg/mL.
    • Mix the tubes by pulse vortexing and briefly spin down the reaction mix.
    • Add 900μL of 100% ethanol and mix by inversion.
    • Precipitate the DNA at -20°C overnight.
    • Pellet the precipitated DNA by centrifugation at 14,000 x g for 15 minutes.
    • Wash the pellet with 500 μL of 70% v/v Ethanol and centrifugation at 14,000 x g for another 15 minutes.
    • Remove the ethanol by aspiration with a P200 pipette.
    • Air-dry the DNA pellet at RT for 20 minutes.
    • Redissolve the pellet in 20 μL H2
    • Add 20 μL of a restriction enzyme master-mix to result in a 40 μL reaction volume, containing 1x CutSmart buffer and 5U BsiHKAI and 5U SphI-HF.
    • Incubate the restriction enzyme reaction in a heat-block at 37°C (the optimal temperature for SphI-HF) for 1 hr.
    • Incubate the restriction enzyme reaction in a heat-block at 65°C (the optimal temperature for BsiHKAI) for 1 hr.
    • Store the inverted DNA at -20°C until required.


  1. Nested PCR
    • Prepare 1 mL of 1x Amplitaq Gold PCR mix containing the outer forward and reverse primers at a concentration of 0.5 µM.
    • Add 170 μL of the 1x Amplitaq Gold PCR mix to wells A1 and E1 of a 96-well PCR plate.
    • Add 120 μL of the 1x Amplitaq Gold PCR mix to wells B1 to H1.
    • For cell culture samples, as significant clonal proliferation has not occurred, 2 different inverted samples can generally be analysed on the same PCR plate. In this case, add 10 μL of the inverted DNA to wells A1 and E1. For liver tissue samples, use only one DNA extract per plate and add inverted DNA to only well A1.
    • Mix the reaction in each well by gently pipetting ~10 times using a P1000 set at 100 μL.
    • Serially dilute samples from wells A1 to D1 (or A1 to H1 for tissue samples) at a ratio of 1:3 by transferring 60 μL at each step. Mix at each step by gently pipetting ~10 times using a P1000 set at 100 μL. Avoid forming bubbles.
    • Repeat Step 3.3 for well E1, diluting down to well H1.
    • Aliquot 10 μL of the reaction mixture using a multi-channel pipette from wells A1-H1 into wells A2-H2, A3-H3, and so forth until wells A12-H12 of the 96-well plate.
    • Remove potential amplicons from a reusable silicon mat seal using DNAZap, rinse the mat thoroughly with DNA-free water and air-dry.
    • Cover the PCR plate with the dry silicon mat, pressing firmly.
    • Place the plate in a PCR machine and run the following program: 10 min at 95°C; 35 cycles of 15 sec at 95°C, 15 sec at 54°C and 3 min at 72°C; 7 min at 72°C, then hold at room temperature.
    • Carefully remove the silicon mat to avoid cross-contamination between wells.
    • Heat the pins of a 96-pin replicator to red-hot with a Bunsen burner and then cool for at least 5 minutes at room-temperature.
    • Fill the wells of a second PCR plate with 10 μL of GoTaq Flexi Green PCR mix and the inner forward and reverse primers at 0.5 µM.
    • Use the cooled replicator to transfer PCR products of the first 96-well plate to a second 96-well plate.
    • Carry out the nested PCR using the same conditions as Step 3.10, except for changing the initial denaturation step at 95°C from 10 minutes to 2 minutes.


  1. PCR product isolation and gel extraction
    • Analyse the PCR products by gel electrophoresis using a 96-well 1.3% w/v agarose gel. For a 100mL agarose gel, run at 200V for 10-15 minutes.
    • Excise the DNA bands from agarose gels using disposable drinking straws. It is sufficient to isolate bands only from those dilutions where single PCR products can be resolved.
    • For each PCR product, place the straw and agarose gel plug into a 1.5mL Eppendorf tube and then trim the straw to size with scissors.
    • (Optional) Store at tubes -20°C for later extraction.
    • Squeeze each straw to liberate the agarose plug into each Eppendorf tube.
    • Add 300 μL of QX1 Buffer (Qiagen), 5 μL of QiaexII glass beads (Qiagen) to each tube.
    • Extract the PCR products as per manufacturer’s instructions for the QiaexII gel extraction kit (except using half volumes for washing steps) and elute DNA from the beads with 30 μL of water or Elution Buffer.
    • Submit purified DNA for Sanger sequencing using inner forward primer used in the nested PCR.
    • Confirm virus-cell DNA junctions by nucleotide BLAST analysis (using default settings aligning to the entire nucleotide collection). Trim the 5’ HBV DNA sequence before re-running analysis if only partial alignment of the sequence is observed.
    • Calculate the integration frequency by multiplying the dilution factor of inverted DNA templates by the number of virus-cell junctions detected at that dilution, followed by normalisation to the amount of total DNA input into the inversion reaction. Generally, the integration frequency is on the order of 1 in ~104 

Table 1. PCR primers used in invPCR, reproduced from (6).

PCR Forward Primer Sequence

(5’ -> 3’)+

Position on HBV genome* Reverse Primer Sequence

(5’ -> 3’)+

Position on HBV genome*

+ These outer and inner PCR primer sets were previously used by us to amplify VCJ by nested PCR. A single forward primer could be used with one of multiple reverse primers. The specific primer set used for any given patient was based on their compatibility with the DNA sequence of the infecting HBV DNA strain.

* Primer positions were based on numbering of the HBV DNA nucleotide sequence from NCBI Reference Sequence: NC_003977.2.

# These primers are compatible with the Genotype D ayw strain (NCBI Reference Sequence: NC_003977.2) used in the majority of laboratory experiments.


  • As this is a highly sensitive technique that amplifies down to single copies of DNA template and uses the same PCR primers for separate samples, limiting DNA contamination is a major issue. General strategies to limit PCR contamination include:
  • Identify and establish 4 physically separate areas including (from “more dirty” to “less dirty”):
  1. Tissue DNA extraction area (carried out in a biosafety cabinet with a UV lamp for decontamination).
  2. DNA extraction (pre- and post-PCR), inversion and sequencing reaction set-up area;
  3. Template addition to PCR and flamed-pin transfer area (we have used PCR hoods with a decontaminating UV lamp with good results);
  4. Stock solution and PCR master-mix set-up area to be used to prepare fresh dedicated reagents for carrying out the inversion reaction, PCR, and DNA extractions. Make up buffers from new powdered stocks.
  • Have separate lab gowns (which are changed often) for all 4 areas and change gloves when moving from “more dirty” to “less dirty” areas.
  • Limit cross-current air flow within the lab, especially in the “template addition to PCR” area. Cross-contamination of wells at this point will lead to inaccurate quantification of virus cell junctions (VCJ). To locate an area of the lab with the least cross-currents, we hold up a piece of tissue and measure the amount of air movement by eye. PCR hoods can also be used to limit these currents. Use negative control wells in the 96-well PCR to test for cross-contamination.
  • Decontaminate all work surfaces with 0.5% sodium hypochlorite solution or DNA-Zap. Wipe off with a damp paper towel, and then dry with a clean paper towel.
  • Never decontaminate with 70% ethanol for the purpose of removing DNA contaminants. Ethanol will fix any DNA to the surface, making it even harder to remove.
  • To design a new inversion protocol, our suggested criteria for invPCR designs are as follows:
    1. As a guideline restriction enzyme 1, 2 and 3 sites (see Figure 1) should occur within ~1 kbp of the expected VCJ site on the HBV genome at ~nt 1832 (1, 18) to limit the size, and so improve circularisation and PCR amplification of the excised fragments.
    2. The design must allow >40 nt between the RE2 restriction site and the expected VCJ site to allow nested primer design.
    3. Similarly, the design must allow >40 nt between the RE1 and RE2 sites on the HBV genome for nested primer design.
    4. RE1 site should occur as frequently as possible in the host genome, but occur very rarely (preferably uniquely) in the HBV DNA genome to limit formation of amplifiable cccDNA-derived fragments.
    5. RE1 should be able to be heat-inactivated to simplify transition to the ligation step.
    6. RE2 and particularly RE3 should occur as frequently as possible in the HBV genome to limit formation of amplifiable cccDNA-derived fragments, but occur rarely in the human genome to avoid cleavage between the VCJ and a downstream RE1 site, resulting in an unamplifiable fragment.
  • To keep the liver tissue cool during sectioning prior to DNA extraction, we place an inverted plastic petri dish or lid on top of dry ice. We then put the frozen tissue in the inverted lid and break into 5 mg fragments (we generally analyse five 5 mg liver fragments per patient), changing dishes and scalpels for each patient. If forceps are used during the extraction procedure, immerse in 0.5% sodium hypochlorite solution for at least 15 min between samples, rinse in water and dry on paper towels.
  • Using the inversion and PCR amplification conditions described, full-length cccDNA should not amplify to detectable levels. However, it may still be necessary to purify high molecular weight DNA to reduce cccDNA contamination, since residual amplification may result due to 1) naturally occurring deletion mutants of cccDNA, or 2) low level star activity of RE1 and circularisation of cccDNA fragments. In each case, the DNA molecules generated are small enough to be amplified to detectable levels. An additional gel purification step using 1% low-melting temperature agarose (Bio-Rad) can be done before the inversion step to isolate high-molecular weight cellular DNA from low (<3.2 kb) molecular weight intermediates. It is important to quantify the DNA before and after this step to account for any lost DNA yield during the purification in order to calculate VCJ number in the original DNA sample.
  • As a lower concentration of DNA should improve the inversion efficiency, less DNA can be put into the assay. The amount of DNA can be determined by probability calculations of DNA fragment self-ligation as described below.
  • The large 400 μL ligation reaction volume favours self-ligation and circularisation of DNA fragments as opposed to intramolecular ligation. The probability of circularization of linear DNA during ligation is governed by the ratio of factors j and i (19),where j is the effective concentration of one end of a DNA molecule in the neighbourhood of the other end of the same molecule in ends/mL and i is the total concentration of DNA ends within a given solution in ends/mL. The probability of circularisation can be shown as simply j/i. When j/i = 1, equal products of circular and linear ligations are expected. When j/i > 1, self-ligated circular forms are favoured and when j/i < 1, intermolecular linear ligation is preferred. Covalently closed circular structures of DNA can be found only when j/i < 2-3 (19). Using the assumptions that:
  1. RE1-cleaved VCJ-containing fragments are 1000 bp long;
  2. 75 μg of DNA in the ligation reaction (over-estimate);
  3. Cellular DNA has a random distribution of bases ;
  4. RE1 has a 4 base recognition sequence; and
  5. 400 uL ligation volume,

We calculated a j/i ratio of 3.84. Therefore, with the above assumptions, circularisation of DNA fragments is preferred over inter-molecular ligation during the inversion reaction.

  • In some instances when DNA concentrations are low (e.g. extracts from laser-microdissected tissue samples), we do not do the serial dilution step; instead we add the inverted DNA mixture directly to 1 mL of Amplitaq Gold PCR mix, vortex briefly and distribute 10 μL of PCR mix to each well, after which we proceed straight to the PCR step.
  • Serial dilutions should be mixed by slowly pipetting up and down 10 times using a 1.0 mL pipette set at ~100 μL. This will limit bubbles and cross-contamination of PCR products.
  • Heat the 96-pin replicator until the pins are red hot. Note that the heated 96-pin replicator will cause convection air currents, so cool for 5-10 min at RT before transferring the templates from the first PCR tray to the second. The replicator will transfer only ~1 μL. Some carbon flecks may also be transferred, but are sterile and should not affect the PCR.