Post-Doctoral position Cancer Research Center of Lyon – INSERM Unit 1052 Lyon, France “Hepatitis B virus cure” program

Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Lyon

The research laboratory on Viral Hepatitis at INSERM Unit 1052 (Cancer Research Center of Lyon–CRCL) is opening a Post-Doctoral position to work on its “HBV cure” program.

The Viral Hepatitis Team has a longstanding experience in the study of the mechanisms of HBV persistence and the identification of novel targets for antiviral therapy. The laboratory is looking for a motivated candidate to work on a project focused on the characterization of novel approaches to directly target the viral minichromosome, the so-called covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA), responsible for HBV persistence in infected cells. In particular, the project is aimed at the investigation of the use of nuclease-based strategies to hit cccDNA.

The project is integrated in a wider, international program on “HBV cure”, in which the laboratory is actively involved. Relevant in vitro and in vivo models for the study of human HBV infection and expertise in molecular virology and epigenetics are well established in the host laboratory. The candidate will also benefit from the scientific environment and technical platforms provided by the CRCL ( The position is available immediately.

The highly motivated candidate will have to hold a PhD and be experienced in cell culture and molecular biology. Experience in molecular virology and/or genome editing technology will be welcome.

The candidates should send their application (C.V., letter of motivation and 2 letters of recommendation) to:
Prof. Fabien Zoulim – Head of Viral Hepatitis Laboratory, INSERM U1052

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