The HepVir team, which has been working on various hepatotropic viruses (mainly HBV and HDV, but also HEV and HCV) for many years, has recently obtained a grant from MSD-Avenir France to reinforce a thematic of research on “HBV RNA biogenesis: from understanding to therapeutic applications.”
Two positions (for one “experienced” post-doctoral fellow and a starting doctoral fellow), each funded for 36 months, are therefore available in the team to work on this program, together with a 100%-involved engineer, and in link with other members of the team. Details on the program will be given upon exchanges with us. In short, unbiased methodologies will be applied to identify host factors involved in the regulation of HBV RNA biogenesis during the natural course of infection and also after therapeutic intervention.
For more information on the position and how to apply, please download the position description by clicking on the button below.