Call for Nominations Distinguished Award in Hepatitis B Research

There is a call for nominations for the Distinguished Award in Hepatitis B Research to be awarded at the 2022 International HBV Meeting in Paris, France.
The DAHBR honors an investigator who has made seminal contributions to the study of HBV and/or HDV. The full criteria and selection processes are described in the attached document, but in short, the selection criteria are:
Primary criteria:
  • Seminal scholarly contributions to the field of HBV research, as judged by the impact of publications.
  • Long-standing member of the HBV research community, who is recognized as a prominent leader, with a large body of work that has made continuous contributions to the field.
  • Secondary criteria:
  • Strong commitment to serve, build and support the HBV research community, as recognized by various non-research contributions to the field.
  • Frequent participation in the annual International HBV Meeting.
Prior DAHBR recipients are:
  • 2021   Stephan Urban
  • 2020   Michael Nassal
  • 2019   Marie Annick Buendia
  • 2018   Wolfram Gerlich
  • 2017   Frank Chisari
Nominations can be submitted by any past attendee of the International HBV Meeting. To nominate someone for the 2022 DAHBR, please obtain the nominee’s permission to submit their name for consideration, and then send the following to me at by March 25: 
  • A nomination letter (one-page)
  • The nominee’s CV
  • A list of the nominee’s 5-10 most influential publications.