Abstract Submission Now Open for the Conference on Liver Disease in Africa (COLDA) 2022

Abstract Submission Deadline: 17 June 2022 at 23:59 SAST

As COLDA is bilingual and will offer translation (English-French), abstracts may be submitted in either English or French.

The registration fee will be waived for all abstract presenters that qualify as either academia from Resource-Limited Settings or Young Investigators. You can read more about these criteria on the conference website.

Access the COLDA website here.

Abstract submission topics/ Thèmes de soumission de résumés

  •  Civil Society Experience: Impact of COVID-19 on Liver Services / Expérience de la société civile : Impact du COVID-19 sur les services du foie
  •  COVID-19 Related Liver Disease / Maladie du foie liée au COVID-19
  • Liver Disease Diagnostics Tools / Outils de diagnostic des maladies du foie
  • Drug-Induced Liver Disease Including Alcohol / Maladies du foie induites par les médicaments, y compris l’alcool
  • End-Stage Liver Disease (Incl. Cirrhosis, HCC) / Maladies hépatiques en phase terminale (y compris la cirrhose et le CHC)
  • HBV Prevention, Testing, and Treatment / Prévention, dépistage et traitement du VHB
  • HCV Prevention, Testing, and Cure / Prévention, dépistage et traitement du VHC
  • Hepatitis Co-Infections / Co-infections de l’hépatite
  • Hepatitis Vaccinations / Vaccinations contre l’hépatite
  • Implementation Elimination Strategies / Stratégies d’élimination de la mise en œuvre
  • Other Causes of Hepatitis (Incl. Infectious, ETLG, Fatty Liver) / Autres causes d’hépatite (y compris infectieuse, ETLG, foie gras)
  • Pediatric Liver Disease / Maladies hépatiques pédiatriques

About Conference on Liver Disease in Africa

Organized by the SHARE Global Health Foundation in close collaboration with regional societies, COLDA 2022 aims at empowering healthcare professionals (HCPs) to diagnose, prevent, treat, and achieve a cure for liver diseases for the benefit of patients in Africa. This being the 5th COLDA, we continue to cultivate a platform that provides a unique opportunity for clinicians, researchers, policymakers, industry representatives, and other healthcare professionals in the African region. Together with support from an international community of experts, they will exchange knowledge on the latest developments and achievements in the management of viral hepatitis and liver disease with a special focus on the African context.

We aspire to provide you with a highly scientific and educational abstract-driven conference consisting of keynote speeches, state-of-the-art lectures, oral and poster abstract presentations, roundtable discussions, and debates with ample time for discussion.

We are certain that the conference will act as a catalyst for translating science into clinical practice while promoting medical education in the field of hepatology and setting up collaborations within the African region. Everyone will have an exceptional opportunity to share and acquire knowledge, and experience a wide spectrum of topics related to liver disease.