ICE-HBV aims to fast-track the discovery of a safe, effective, affordable and scalable cure to benefit all people living with CHB, including children and people living with HCV, HDV and HIV co-infection. ICE-HBV intends to contribute to the elimination of CHB as a global public health challenge.
To achieve this, we provide an international research-driven forum, which is coordinating, promoting and establishing public-private collaborative partnerships to accelerate the discovery of a CHB cure.
What we do
To advance HBV cure research we created international working groups on virology, immunology, innovative tools and clinical studies to identify research gaps needed to be addressed for an HBV cure and perform the research needed to address these gaps.
We collaborate with key stakeholders, including community representatives, research agencies, global health organisations, foundations and pharmaceutical industry to accelerate research in HBV cure.
Find our 2025 strategic objectives here.
ICE-HBV’s 2024-2027 Goals:
Goal 1 – Generate knowledge, foster collaborations and promote research to accelerate scientific innovation in collaboration with key stakeholders.
Goal 2 – Disseminate knowledge and engage key stakeholders to ensure the timely translation of discoveries into positive health outcomes and quality of life.
Goal 3 – Support a sustainable international multidisciplinary scientific coalition to find a cure for HBV and HDV
HBV Prevention, Care, Treatment and Cure
ICE-HBV supports the Global Health Sector Strategy on Viral Hepatitis (WHO, 2016). By no means should the strengthening of HBV cure research direct resources away from HBV prevention, care and treatment programmes. However, the HBV scientific community believes that government, foundations and other research sponsors should make a substantial investment in HBV cure research now. HBV research has been largely underfunded compared to other diseases; enhanced investments could make a big difference and create important resources savings within 10 years. Coupled with the implementation of the 2016 Global Health Sector Strategy on Viral Hepatitis, an HBV cure could help fully eradicate HBV thus saving millions of lives.
ICE-HBV Secretariat
The Hepatitis B Foundation is now in charge of the ICE-HBV Secretariat.
Senior Advisors
Senior Advisors are appointed by the GB and serve as ICE-HBV champions, ensuring visibility and credibility, giving guidance on strategic questions and supporting fundraising efforts. They also provide direct scientific advice to working groups when necessary.
Senior Advisors will be gathered at least yearly by teleconference and in person. Currently, the following people serve as Senior Advisors:
- Pr. Christian Bréchot (Honorary President)
- Pr. Frank Chisari
- Pr. Marion Peters
- Pr. Raymond F. Schinazi
- Pr. Stephen Locarnini